Growing up with a dog creates invaluable lessons.


Dogs have a special place in the hearts of many adults and children. If well trained and supervised, dogs provide many valuable lessons and benefits to children.

Here are four great reasons dogs are super companions for kids as they grow up together:

1. Dogs teach children patience. Dogs can be cheeky! They chew, scratch and play, and don’t always listen. This teaches children to restrain themselves and not to be angry at or hit their dog for doing something it doesn’t understand is naughty. Training a dog to walk on a lead, go to the toilet, and sit can be very rewarding to the child.

2. Dogs teach children responsibility. Having to feed, provide water and clean up after their dog, gives children a sense of importance and satisfaction. The relationship that develops can be life-changing for a child and a great support system as they themselves continue to grow and develop.

3. Dogs teach children compassion. Just like humans, dogs feel emotion and pain. They are prone to injuries and the journey of aging during their relatively short lives. As such, your children will witness your dog’s entire life cycle and grieve their passing. This is an invaluable lesson for a child, as they comfort their dog and cope with its loss. Seeing a dog whimper in pain, as it looks to them for help and comfort can teach your child the invaluable skill of helping others in need.

4. Dogs are fun. Last, but certainly not least, dogs are a lot of fun. They play fetch, tug-of-war, or can just keep your child company on a rainy day and fit on a sunny day. They greet you with love and a wagging tail every day and can cheer your child up even on their worst day.


And there’s scientific evidence!

One study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that “pets can serve as important sources of social support, providing many positive psychological and physical benefits for their owners,” and another, out of the University of Cambridge, found that kids get more satisfaction from their relationship with household pets (especially dogs) than with human siblings. Yet another found that “having a pet dog in the home was associated with a decreased probability of childhood anxiety.”

According to Yale, the happiness kids feel around dogs is due to the hormone oxytocin (the ‘love’ hormone). This hormone is known for playing a role in how we bond with each other and its release makes kids feel more social and cheerful.