


My name is: Banzai
I came from: Cyprus
Now I live in: South East London
My favourite things are: Food, food, finding food, eating food, sleeping, dreaming about food, and being chased around the park by other four legged friends. I have also recently found out my owner’s bed is way better than mine I quite like to spend most of my day there. 

Banzai’s story

My beloved rescue border collie, Maisie, died suddenly in November last year, just after I turned 30. I felt like I lost a piece of me - she had been with me throughout my twenties, barely leaving my side, she came to my work, came skiing with me, and many other adventures. Maisie wasn’t always easy, she ran away in her first week of being rescued, hated fireworks, and whenever I wanted a night out at the pub, I had to somehow find a way for Maisie to join but to me but we made it work. I never thought I’d ever have the same love for another dog (or anyone for that matter) as I did with her. 

But then I remembered the joys of having her and how many people’s lives she had made better by just being around and thought it was selfish to not give another rescue a chance to do the same and shine like Maisie did. I told my boyfriend, (who can get quite obsessive about things and had always wanted a dog prior to meeting me, including one on every Christmas list, but Father Christmas obviously didn’t think he was ready!) and quickly we were searching high and low for rescue dogs in London only to be judged for living in London with a dog, despite already having lived with a very active border collie, in London! 

It was Christmas and I remember scrolling through Instagram, having already given up on the usual rescue centres and thinking it was so sad that there were so many dogs out there just wanting a life like Maisie, and then I saw a picture of Banzai. He was unusual looking (but with the sweetest eyes), a mix of every dog going and I was instantly sold. 

I found out he was with a foster family not far from us and that he’d been in the shelter for over a year and had a few foster homes. I wanted to meet him instantly. We drove excitedly (but a little apprehensive about them liking us) to the current foster home. The family were just amazing and there was Banzai all cute curled up on their sofa, very chilled, calm, with their other dogs jumping around excitedly. I instantly fell in love with his big brown eyes and how surprisingly soft he was. I now describe Banzai as a long-haired staffy. The family seemed to adore him and I felt bad for taking him away but I could tell he was going to fit in with us perfectly and would love his new life and the many adventures we had planned. 

We applied instantly on getting home and had a phone interview etc and everything went so well. Underdog were so good throughout the process. So different to other rescue centres. No judgment but practical assessment and advice. 

A lot has happened since getting Banzai. I got a new job, where he was supposed to be office dog, but his new office is now home - which I think he has become quite accustomed to, sitting on my lap during calls, and politely barking at me at 5oclock for his post-work dinner.

In terms of training, he has done so well and the behaviourist through Underdog was immensely helpful. The biggest thing I can say about getting a street dog over a rescue from the UK from my experience is that food is life, and the instinct to fend for himself is there. He will sit so abruptly for anyone hoping to get a treat. He drags me to the pub every time we go for a walk because they give him treats, and he loves to bark at waiters for water! He brings a smile to my face and others every day and will continue to do so. I only encourage anyone to rescue. It took a while for Banzai to learn to love us, but he has now decided we feed him, so we must be alright and he likes to jump onto our bed every morning for a cuddle.

I have told so many people about The Underdog since they have met Banzai. My boyfriend’s brother has rescued a beautiful hound from Cyprus also and my friend a puppy, and having met both dogs I still have no negatives about rescuing a dog via Underdog International. 

- Emily

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