


My name is: Griff
I came from: Cyprus
Now I live in: Oxford
My favourite things are: Sniffs, chest rubs, rabbits, sniffs, human food, sniffs, stealing human food, sniffs, finding human food in the park, ripping up paper and cardboard
Follow me on Instagram: @griff_the_underdog

Griff’s story

“Remember that time we went to an M25 service station and came back with a dog?”

We’ve asked each other this often in the two years since we brought Griff home, marvelling at how he has completely taken over our lives and how life before Griff has faded completely from our minds.

We knew we wanted to adopt a rescue dog and couldn’t be happier to have found Underdog International. It’s clear how well they know their dogs: their likes, dislikes, needs, quirks, and any concerns. Griff is exactly as Underdog described him. We knew we wanted an older dog but don’t assume “older” means a quiet life. We’ve lost count of how many people have assumed he’s a puppy when they meet him on a walk.

How to describe Griff? Well, he had to come off the van sooner than planned because he was making so much noise. Then he was the only dog to immediately trot happily to the car. We were worried he’d be afraid of his new surroundings and tired from his long journey. Instead, he was introducing himself to our neighbours and crawling all over us and the sofa. He’s a chatty boy; he barks if his dinner is not delivered in a timely manner, but he also chirps, purrs, whistles, and snores. He communicates physically as well. Placing himself directly in your eyeline when it’s time for a walk and gently tapping you with his paw when he wants his chest rubbed (progressing to thumping if you don’t immediately comply).

It hasn’t all been easy. Four months after adopting him, he developed gastrointestinal issues which took six weeks to diagnose and treat. We had researched pet insurance and settled for one claiming to offer a capped pay out above the average claim. Griff’s condition was not average, and we quickly sailed above the cap. Thankfully we had savings to cover the vet bills and would really recommend others give serious thought to insurance details as you never what will happen.

While his physical condition resolved, the pain had affected Griff’s mental health. He was terrified to leave the house and of other dogs. It took another four months for him to return to his usual self. Those were months filled with guilt, worry, trial and error. His dog walker, Liv (@walkswith_liv), is an essential member of his extended family and helped rebuild his confidence. His resilience has been astounding and he loves Liv so much.

Our lives are happily devoted to our little hound. Would Griff prefer the sniffs of Devon or Wales for his holiday? Cups of tea with fur in it are accepted gladly. Humans must vacate his spot on the sofa if his lordship demands it (it’s the spot on the right if you’re ever visiting). Parts of the garden are dedicated to his renovations. Certain flowers must be beheaded.

We’re so lucky and grateful to Eve and Daniela for entrusting us with Griff. Our hearts are so full to feel his warm body curled up beside us on the sofa. Less so when he decides to chuck himself into a cowpat.

- Chantal & James

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