


My name is: Izzy
I came from: Cyprus
Now I live in: The French Alps
My favourite things are: Sleeping, eating, cuddles and sunbathing

Izzy’s story

I first spotted Izzy on the Underdog website in October and she looked like such a placid dog, exactly what we were looking for. I also felt an affinity with her because she was a mum! She finally came home in February, and she was definitely worth the wait! I’m so grateful to Eve and her team for matching us with Izzy and for getting her over here – I know it was a headache to organise.

Izzy’s bio said that her temperament couldn’t be faulted, and it’s so true. She is the perfect family dog, so calm and quiet but still playful when the mood takes her. We often forget that she’s young because she acts like a grandma most of the time, but then she’ll have a crazy five minutes and her puppy face shines through! It was a bit of a shock to her system, coming from Cyprus straight into the French winter, but she soon discovered the joys of a log fire – she sits so close, we’re always afraid she’ll burn her nose! 

Izzy took a while to get used to the altitude – even four months on she still hates walking uphill – but she loves trotting through the forest and sniffing all the lovely smells. She gets quite scared if we meet large dogs, and often does an about-turn and runs away with her tail between her legs, but she is getting braver and is making lots of friends. She loves humans and goes up to anyone for a cuddle. The whole family is besotted with her, even my father-in-law who doesn’t usually like dogs! 

I was worried that Izzy would be upset by the journey, but you wouldn’t have known she’d been on such an epic trip! It was very strange waiting for her at the arrivals gate in Geneva, but it all went very smoothly. Her escort was really friendly and kept me informed about their progress throughout the day. When I let her out of her crate, Izzy greeted me like she’d always known me! In the car on the way home, she lay on my knee and slept the whole way. Once we got home, it was like she’d lived with us forever. She just slotted seamlessly into our lives. She thought the lockdown was the best thing ever – the whole family together all day, every day, with lots of short walks and plenty of cuddles! Now things are getting back to normal, I’m loving taking her out for longer and seeing her enjoy her walks more. 

We can’t thank Underdog International enough for bringing Izzy into our lives. I can’t imagine life without her!

- Jennifer

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