


My name is: Laika
I came from: China
Now I live in: Birmingham (aka home of the Peaky Blinders!)
My favourite things are: Food, fuss, my chewy green snake, chasing Lila round the garden, and digging
Follow me on Instagram: @meattruckmalamute

Laika’s story

Laika was rescued from a meat truck in China by Slaughterhouse Survivors. She was just a young pup when brought to the safe house for rehabilitation. We had been following SHS’s work on social media for a long time when one day her majestic little face popped up on screen saying she was coming to the U.K. with Underdog International and she needed a permanent home. My sister tagged me in the image with a ?* - teasing me to apply…

And the rest, as they say, was history. We have a background of rescuing snow breed dogs so Laika was the perfect new addition to our pack. She’s the largest puppy I’ve ever come across but she’s also the biggest, clumsiest goofball. She is a gentle giant with boundless energy and loves love. She’s become best friends with our Indian street dog rescue Lila (yep, the similar names can sometimes be a problem haha!).

- Natalie

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