


My name is: Roo
I came from: Cyprus
Now I live in: East London
My favourite things are: People, dogs, playing, cheese (any food really but especially cheese), sniffing
Follow me on Instagram: @roo_the_underdog

Roo’s story

We both remember the first time we saw Roo. We’d recently moved from a small flat to a house with a garden and we were finally in a position to bring a much-wanted dog into our life. We were adamant we wanted to rescue and had both independently found our way to the Underdog site. Living in London, we felt we may not be the ideal candidate for some of the dogs, and so we contacted Eve and asked if there were any that would be suited to our location and circumstances. She shared a few dogs but as soon as we saw Roo we both had a feeling she was the one for us. A video later and we were smitten.

There followed a nerve-wracking process where we were evaluated for suitability. I have to say, though, that this is one of the many great things about the Underdog team. They work hard to make sure that the matches between dogs and adopters is right. Dani managed our home check and was a joy. We learned a lot in the process about what to expect as well as Underdog learning more about us. After getting the green light we were overjoyed and prepared for our girl to arrive. With Roo being a hound-mix, Underdog offered us time with an amazing volunteer, Karen, who specialises in the needs of hounds. We absorbed everything she shared, and to this day her tips help to keep Roo happy and satisfied, which in turn makes us happy!

Due to pre-planned travel, when Roo arrived in the UK we were abroad. Underdog have a fantastic network of foster families and we were lucky enough that Roo spent her first few days with Lucie and Ian. We could not have hoped for a more lovely family for Roo to be with initially and we will always make sure Roo has a connection with them as it’s clear she loves them!

The advice and guidance we received in the earlier stages proved invaluable when we got Roo home. We were overwhelmed with love for her but it’s fair to say the first couple of weeks were a big adjustment. There were tears and worries, and we’ve since realised that this is entirely natural. If you find yourself reading this feeling the same thing, please please know that it’s fleeting. Things get easier - and quickly! And the joy we’ve had everyday since from having Roo as part of our family is immense.

A few things we didn’t expect: She’s funny and makes us laugh all the time; she has a huge personality and we get to know her better with every day that passes; and we’ve met so many new people from having her in our lives, which is a total joy.

We both agree that Roo is the most beaming ray of sunshine in our lives and we can’t thank Underdog enough for bringing her to us.

- Jasmin

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