


My name is: Solo
I came from: Cyprus
Now I live in: Norfolk
My favourite things are: Belly rubs, food and sniffari walks

Solo’s story

I adopted Solo in August 2021 with my ex-partner after we had debated having a furry friend join us for most of our relationship. I had spoken to Eve many times on Instagram after following Underdog International, and we finally got the go ahead from our landlord to have a dog. The process was very straight forward and full of support. Holly did our home check and was so warm and supportive the entire time, then one Friday afternoon, I received a message from Eve; "check your email." There, looking straight at the camera, was Solo (though he was Rocky at the time) and I burst into tears.

He was due to arrive towards the middle of August but Eve was able to get him to us sooner. One cold Saturday morning, we met up alongside a lot of other anxious dog parents to collect our boy. He was the second one off the bus and very unsure about where he was and who we were. I held him in my arms and carried him to the car. We thought that he would need time to get used to us but within five minutes of being in the flat, he was curled up between us, snoring away.

It hasn't always been easy, the puppy blues (yes they do exist) hit me very hard, especially following on from the pandemic. There were moments where I questioned whether I could give Solo what he needed. Looking back on it, he was exactly what I needed. He is sassy, stubborn, snorty and gassy but he has been a constant in some very difficult times. The move to a new county, a new school and a new home would not have been the same without his little flappy ears showing me that I need to slow down when all I wanted to do was stress. Life is about enjoying the little things which is always easier with an Underdog.

- Chloe

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