


My name is: Tasso
I came from: Greece
Now I live in: South East London
My favourite things are: Sleeping in strange and uncomfortable looking positions, chasing pigeons and fluffy white dogs, and falling asleep under the table in a warm pub

Tasso’s story

Last October I saw (on Instagram) that a litter of pups were coming over from Greece and that several needed foster or forever homes. I messaged Eve saying that I could offer a dog a foster home for a couple of weeks. My childhood dog had died earlier that year and while I was still very much mourning his passing, I was desperately missing the companionship and was keen to help out a dog in need.

The rest is pretty much history. Initially Tasso was very nervous (and who could blame him, he went through a huge amount of change). He was too nervous to leave the house, and we spent many hours sitting on the balcony listening to traffic noise while I fed him chicken.

After about a week he started going out for short walks, and within a month walks became his absolute favourite thing, ever. Looking back, it’s hard to believe that my confident, sociable, and affectionate dog is the same little shy pup who arrived on day one. Tasso was with us for about a week before we realised that we probably wanted to keep him, and we formalised his adoption after a month.

I’m pretty biased but he really is an amazing dog. He’s great on public transport, is wonderful (and very playful) with other dogs, and is patient and calm with children. He comes into work with me most days and he’s the unofficial office therapy dog. He has absolutely brightened our home (and our lives) and we couldn’t imagine life without him now. Even though we absolutely failed at being fosters, Tasso is the best decision we could have made.

- Eva

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