


My name is: Wilf
I came from: China
Now I live in: South London
My favourite things are: My brother Murphy, cuddles, and sleeping in-between my folks
Follow me on Instagram: @murphyandwilf

Wilf’s story

After we got married last September, Tim gave me the choice of going on honeymoon or getting a second dog - you can probably guess which option I went for...

I'd been following Slaughterhouse Survivors and Underdog on Instagram for a few months and when we saw Wilf's profile that was it really. We applied that evening and within two days received a lovely email from Eve giving us the answer we were hoping for. To give some context on timings, we applied mid-October and Wilf was already due to arrive in the UK at the end of the month so I'd be lying if I didn't say there was an initial wave of nerves about the timeframe but Underdog could not have been more helpful. All the admin was taken care of quickly, we were given constant updates and our home check wasn't just an assessment of our living space but a really great way of chatting through any concerns and common issues that crop up during the initial settling in period.

The first few days were just that - days of firsts. Toilet training. Stairs. Walking on lead. Basic recall. His love for Murphy was instant (Murph took a few weeks to warm up) and having a natural pack leader definitely gave him the confidence to embrace his new environment. True to his Underdog bio, he's great with other dogs and incredibly patient with kids, including our two year old nephew who thinks "doggos" are the greatest (smart kid). We're lucky that Wilf hasn't required the support of the Underdog's behaviourist team but it's a comfort to know they're available if we ever need to call on those resources. 

It's strange to think we've only had him for a few months as it's genuinely hard to remember what life was like before Wilfred. As I write this he's pressed up against me on the couch, head resting on my shoulder, one paw on the laptop. He is hands down the most affectionate dog I've ever met and we're so grateful Underdog chose us to be his humans. 

- Meg

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